Adam C. Bouloukos
Director of UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030:
Next Steps in Implementation
David Alexander
Professor of Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London, UK
Opening Lecture:
Current trends and new challenges in disaster risk reduction
Ireneusz Zygmunt
Armed Forces Operational Command (AFOC)
The role of the Polish Armed Forces in support of public administration authorities in crisi situations
Janusz Szylar
Mazovian Headquarters of State Fire Service
The rapid reaction forces, operational preparation of the area for future action in the event of natural disasters
Rafał Mańkowski
Polish Insurance Association
Szacunki dotyczące nasycenia rynku ubezpieczeniami budynków i lokali mieszkalnych od ryzyka powodzi
Maria Niedzielko
Crisis Information Centre at Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Effective decision-making in crisis management using geoinformation technologies
Bogdan Ozga-Zieliński
Association of Polish Hydrologist
Risk, Reliability and Safety of Hydrological Systems
Grzegorz Dumieński
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute in Wroclaw, Centre of Research
Development of sensitivity of a flood-endangered system in flood risk management
Hannelore Mees
University of Antwerp, Antwerp
Citizens, local governments and flood resilience: experiences from 5 EU member states
Magdalena Kwiecień
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Division of Water Management, Cracow
Warning systems for specific hazards in the IT System of the Country’s Protection against extreme hazards
Research Team of Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment (IAFE) of Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań
STAR-FLOOD International Workshop on Flood Risk Management in Europe
Adam Choryński
Flood Risk Managment in Six European Countries
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Introduction to the STAR-FLOOD Project
Mary-Jeanne Adler
National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change-Department for Waters, Forests and Fisheries, Bucharest, Romania
MEWF & WWF’s partnership approach to managing flood risk by nature conservation – Danube example
Jan Kubát
Hydrometeorological Institute, Prague, Czech Repubic
FloodRisk Management in theCzech Republic
Urszula Somorowska
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Hydrology
Extreme stages of the soil wetness conditions over Poland: dynamics and risks
Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska
University of Szczecin, Faculty of Geoscience, Institute of Marine Coastal sciences
The flood threat from severe high water events in the urban area of the lower Odra River
Tomasz Kalicki, Paweł Przepióra
Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Institute of Geography, Department of Geomorphology, Geoarcheology and Environmental Management
Sediments and morphology of flash flood near Kromołów (southern Poland) after 18 years
Leszek Łabędzki
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, Research Centre of Kujawsko–Pomorskie
Vulnerability of Polish agriculture to meteorological drought
Mateusz Strzelecki
University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Earth Science and Environmental Management, Department of Geomorphology
Assessment of impact of coastal hazards on scientific and community infrastructure in Svalbard, High Arctic
Andrzej Rybus-Tołłoczko
Federation of NGO’s ‘Pomocni Mazowszu’
Assistance for people affected by natural disasters, experience Mazovian Region
Stanisław Kubeł
Local Official of Ostrołęka District
The role of the local government and service, inspection and guard authorities in reaction to emergency situations shown on the basis of the fire in JBB Meat Processing Plant in Łyse
Anita Bokwa
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Department of Climatology
Impact of global climate change on the number of hot days in urban areas of Central Europe
Jarosław Działek
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Department of Regional Development
Social and economic factors influencing vulnerability to floods in Southern Poland
Paweł Franczak
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Department of Hydrology
Spatial planning in floodplains in mountain catchments of different row, in the basin of the Upper Vistula and the Upper and Central Odra
Karolina Listwan
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Institute of Geography and Spatial
Management, Department of Regional Development
Opportunities and barriers to the use of natural disaster insurance as non-technical means of protection against floods in Poland
Nicole Mahlkow
Research Associate Freie Universität, Berlin
Prepared for the future? Urban development governance against heat risks in mid-latitude cities
Konrad Kępski
Regional Water Management Authority in Kraków
Reservoirs activity as the tool reducing floods’ hazard based on the flood in 2014
Yuriy Kostyuchenko
Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of Earth, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Quantitative assessment and mapping of hydrological risk using Landsat data
Paulina Pokojska
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Laboratory of Spatial Information Systems
Forest fire risk in Poland – classification with application of GIS techniques
Adam Gendźwił
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Local Development and Policy
Awareness of climate change and significance of climate change policies at the local agendas – a comparison of Norwegian and Polish municipalities
Jørn Holm-Hansen
University of Oslo, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Oslo
Adaptation to climate change in Russian cities – the case of Arkhangelsk and St Petersburg
Paweł Swianiewicz
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Local Development and Policy
Modes of Governance in Local Adaptation to Climate Change: Networks Bound by Hierarchy and Market Motivation?