Main topic: Natural Disaster Risk Reduction
Scientific aims is a discussion about natural disaster risk reduction
Theoretical and practical aspects
Physical aspects
Social aspects
- Psychological aspects
Geographical approach
Tools: GIS, remote sensing, statistical analysis
Methods and solution: A especially those universal for natural hazards
Changes and challenges
Natural disaster risk reduction
Natural disaster management
Management of natural disaster reduction
Natural hazards and extreme event
Climate change adaptation
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Implementation
Natural disaster risk
Vulnerability to natural hazards
Resilience and resistance
Adaptation on tree levels: governmental, community, individual
Critical infrastructure
Geoethics and natural disaster risk
Spatial management
Corruption: Bed points identification
- Public awarness
- Prevention
- Insurance
People activity: before, during, and after
- Climate refugee’s issues
- Psychological consequences of disasters
Behaviour and communication
Education: Next step of school and local community education
Partnership: University, government officials, and the public
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction: Activity and popularization