
WORKSHOPS: October 25, 2019

Conference participants: Registration for workshops is open, now.

The workshops will meet from 8:00 am to 13:30 pm.

Note: Numbering of workshops has been changed. You can choose workshops [W1.1. – W2.2]. Write to us which courses you have chosen (



WORKSHOP (W1): GIS for DRR [Start: 8:00]

Workshop (W1.1): Exposure to flood risk in the city 

Moderator: Maciej Lenartowicz, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies

Duration: 1.40  hours. Computer room.

Language: English

Place: Computer room (as part of the conference)
Description: The goal of the workshop will be to analyze the exposure of urban area to hydrological hazards, case study of the city part in Warsaw. The sources of hydrological information such as Hydrographic Maps and Flood Risk Maps as well as the results of hydrological modeling based on digital elevation models will be taken into account. The risk zone extent of river floods with different return period and of urban floods after intense rainfall will be determined. Thanks to the use of GIS tools, the analysis will cover topographic objects (buildings) located in the risk zone. They will be characterized in terms of their function, type of risk and potential depth of flooding.
Effect: Analysis of spatial data for the location of buildings in various flood hazard zones (depending on the potential depth of flooding)
Required skills: Computer skills, basic skills in using GIS software are welcome.


Workshop (W1.2): The Early Wildfire Detection System in response to wildfire disasters in the United States.

Magdalena Bącler, SmokeD Product Manager presenting the corporation:Taxus IT (in Poland) /IT for Nature (in the U.S.A.)

The purpose of the workshop will be to present a high-tech SmokeD System for early wildfire detection. The characteristics of the wildfire issue in the state of California will be discussed. Participants will be able to see how the system detects wildfires and how the community is notified about the incoming fire hazard.

Duration: 1.5 hours. Computer room.

Language: English

Description: The main issue discussed at the meeting will concern late fire detection in the state of California. Participants will be able to learn about the circumstances accompanying the wildfires which broke out on the West Coast in recent years. They will also analyze satellite and on-site photos as well as loss statistics to see the full extent of damage caused by the fire. The solution to the problem of late fire detection is the SmokeD project based on the Smoke Detections system which was installed in the Polish State Forests. All system components as well as actual photos and recordings of the detected wildfires will be presented in detail. It will be possible to learn about both mobile and web apps designed to alert the community about the upcoming threat. Workshop participants will also be able to experience how the system works in real life during a mock fire alert drill.


Workshop (W1.3): How to detect surface water extent on multispectral satellite images?

Alicja Gadawska, Marta Milczarek

Workshops will be led by scientists from the Crisis Information Centre, which is part of the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences. Both are dealing with satellite and airborne imagery processing, as well as disseminate knowledge about satellite techniques. Maps and analyses combining various geospatial data are prepared with the use of GIS for the need of crisis management institutions, public security units and development assistance.

Duration: 1.5 hours. Computer room.

Software: Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, QGIS 3.4 or 3.6

Basic knowledge of GIS software (e.g. QGIS) is welcomed but not required.

Language: English

Sentinel Water Mask (SWM). New index for water detection on Sentinel-2 images. 

Note: Before this Workshop you can read articles and poster:

Robak A., Gadawska A., Milczarek M., Lewiński S., 2016, Wykrywanie wody na zdjęciach optycznych Sentinel-2 na podstawie wskaźników wodnych, Teledetekcja środowiska 55, 5-11. 

Posters (English): Milczarek M., Robak A., Gadawska A., Sentinel Water Mask (SWM) – new index for water detection on Sentinel-2 images,  (presented on the 7th Advanced Land Training Course on Land Remote Sensing organised by ESA in Gödöllő, Węgry, 4-9.09.2017)

Robak A., Milczarek M., Gadawska A., Comparison of Sentinel Water Mask and other indices for water mapping on Sentinel-2 images, (presented on the 2ndMapping Water Bodies from Space Conference, 27-28.03.2018, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy).

The research and creation of new water index for detection of water on Sentinel-2 imagery is in line with the activities of the Crisis Information Centre in Space Research Centre, PAS which are aimed to increase effective usage of existing technical capabilities in the field of geospatial information for the needs of rescue services and crisis management institutions. This goal is realised through the preparation and dissemination of information materials (maps, geospatial products) based on satellite imagery, for example in case of floods and other large-scale catastrophic events.


WORKSHOP (2): Local actions to disaster risk reduction [Start: 8:15]

Workshop (W2.1): Risk management and methods of indemnification for catastrophic loss on the municipal level

Monika Kaczała, Krzysztof Łyskawa

Poznan University of Economics and Business, Department of Insurance

Duration: 1.5 hours

The main purpose of the workshop is to discuss the methods of indemnification for catastrophic loss (mainly in agriculture) and talk over the difficulties in their insurance cover and loss adjustment. We will start with a reconstruction of the approach  to risk management in municipalities in Poland and discuss the available loss prevention and covering methods for catastrophic loss. Further on, we plan to discuss the construction of insurance program on the municipal level with respect to non-life insurance (property and liability insurance). The second part of the workshop will be focussed on the draught insurance in agriculture –both on the state and insurance companies’ activities in this area and farmers’ responses as well.


WORKSHOP 2 (W2.2): Systems Thinking in Disaster Risk Reduction

Workshop facilitators:
Peter Head
Koen H. van Dam
Dorota Rucinska

Language: English

Duration: 3 hours

Size: 25 people max

Format and aim: an interactive session in which five groups of 5 professionals work together to explore how communities and local stakeholders can get involved in disaster risk reduction through the identification of risks, potential prevention and mitigation strategies, actor identification and network building. After each round of discussions in small groups the key insights are reported back to the whole room. The main aim is building a community and sharing insihts and approaches between workshop participants.

1) Welcome, workshop aims and link to DRR conference

2) Identify risks and map disasters: groups work on sharing risks from different perspectives and for different cities

3) Risk reduction approaches: groups map strategies employed in their cities and organisations

4) Community building: groups describe and share how they approach reaching out to a wider community of stakeholders and how they support the collaborative process with data, tools and platforms

5) Conclusions and wrapping up

Recommended reading list:
GAR19 Distilled —

Rucinska, D. (2015) Spatial Distribution of Flood Risk and Quality of Spatial Management: Case Study in Odra Valley, Poland. Risk Analysis, 35: 241–251. doi: 10.1111/risa.12295